Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 14 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
jazzband/django-widget-tweaks 0.25% (5)
django-crispy-forms/django-crispy-forms 0.24% (12)
heroku/python-getting-started 0.24% (2)
agstrike/silverstrike 0.24% (1)
mozilla/kitsune 0.24% (3)
saxix/django-concurrency 0.24% (1)
FactoryBoy/factory_boy 0.24% (8)
allegro/ralph 0.23% (5)
simonw/django-sql-dashboard 0.23% (1)
jazzband/django-model-utils 0.23% (6)
shuup/shuup 0.23% (5)
django-oscar/django-oscar 0.23% (14)
jordaneremieff/djantic 0.23% (1)
czue/celery-progress 0.23% (1)
geex-arts/django-jet 0.23% (8)
yourlabs/django-autocomplete-light 0.23% (4)
django-wiki/django-wiki 0.23% (4)
ansible-community/ara 0.22% (4)
jazzband/django-axes 0.22% (3)
thornomad/django-hitcount 0.22% (1)
darklow/django-suit 0.22% (5)
encode/django-rest-framework 0.21% (58)
myide/see 0.21% (3)
django-ses/django-ses 0.21% (2)
django-extensions/django-extensions 0.20% (13)