Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 14 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
MrBin99/django-vite 1.61% (8)
wagtail/wagtail-ai 1.61% (2)
usnistgov/NEMO 1.57% (2)
TheAbhijeet/Django_blog 1.55% (6)
Madhur215/Django-ChatApp 1.53% (2)
Tobi-De/falco 1.52% (5)
Bogdanp/django_dramatiq 1.51% (5)
jrobichaud/django-structlog 1.48% (6)
django-query-profiler/django-query-profiler 1.47% (2)
EmilStenstrom/django-components 1.46% (15)
boxed/django-fastdev 1.46% (2)
explorerhq/django-sql-explorer 1.39% (37)
arrobalytics/django-ledger 1.35% (12)
torchbox/wagtailmedia 1.34% (3)
adamchainz/django-htmx 1.33% (20)
adamcharnock/django-hordak 1.30% (3)
theatlantic/django-nested-admin 1.30% (9)
ghazi-git/drf-standardized-errors 1.30% (3)
astral-sh/ruff 1.29% (374)
vitalik/django-ninja 1.28% (85)
djlint/djLint 1.27% (8)
openwisp/openwisp-users 1.24% (2)
meeb/tubesync 1.21% (21)
QueraTeam/django-nextjs 1.20% (4)
snok/django-guid 1.18% (5)
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