Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 14 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
fandsdev/django 0.95% (2)
holoviz/panel 0.94% (42)
lorinkoz/django-pgschemas 0.93% (1)
lardbit/nefarious 0.92% (9)
wger-project/wger 0.92% (27)
inventree/InvenTree 0.92% (36)
carpentries/amy 0.92% (1)
faust-streaming/faust 0.92% (14)
piccolo-orm/piccolo 0.89% (12)
cloudblue/django-cqrs 0.89% (1)
tj-django/django-clone 0.88% (1)
torchbox/django-pattern-library 0.87% (3)
Frojd/Wagtail-Pipit 0.86% (2)
techiediaries/django-react 0.85% (1)
codingjoe/django-pictures 0.84% (2)
nautobot/nautobot 0.84% (8)
rsinger86/django-lifecycle 0.83% (11)
fabiocaccamo/django-extra-settings 0.80% (4)
pretix/pretix 0.79% (14)
shyam999/Django-ecommerce 0.79% (2)
timonweb/django-tailwind 0.78% (11)
bram2w/baserow 0.78% (17)
jazzband/django-formtools 0.78% (6)
farridav/django-jazzmin 0.78% (12)
rednaks/django-async-orm 0.78% (1)
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