Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 14 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
jazzband/django-formtools 0.94% (7)
slyapustin/django-chatbot 0.93% (1)
PaulGilmartin/django-pgpubsub 0.91% (2)
Falldog/pyconcrete 0.91% (6)
farhan0581/django-admin-autocomplete-filter 0.90% (3)
MuckRock/muckrock 0.89% (1)
pyscada/PyScada 0.88% (4)
rsinger86/django-lifecycle 0.87% (11)
twtrubiks/docker-tutorial 0.87% (13)
DefectDojo/django-DefectDojo 0.86% (29)
welel/noted 0.85% (1)
silviogutierrez/reactivated 0.84% (5)
usnistgov/NEMO 0.84% (1)
faust-streaming/faust 0.83% (12)
typeddjango/django-stubs 0.83% (12)
klis87/django-cloudinary-storage 0.81% (1)
apragacz/django-rest-registration 0.80% (4)
2ik/django-editorjs-fields 0.80% (1)
nephila/djangocms-blog 0.79% (3)
piccolo-orm/piccolo 0.79% (10)
viewflow/viewflow 0.79% (20)
stefanfoulis/django-sendsms 0.78% (2)
jrobichaud/django-structlog 0.78% (3)
APTRS/APTRS 0.78% (6)
typeddjango/djangorestframework-stubs 0.75% (3)
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