Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 365 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
AmbitionEng/django-pgtrigger 14% (68)
ebertti/django-admin-easy 14% (57)
git-men/lightning 13% (20)
mtianyan/django-react-tyadmin 13% (104)
strawberry-graphql/strawberry 13% (486)
Bogdanp/django_dramatiq 13% (42)
torchbox/wagtail-markdown 13% (23)
jazzband/django-user-sessions 13% (75)
wemake-services/django-test-migrations 13% (62)
czue/celery-progress 13% (55)
jazzband/django-two-factor-auth 13% (198)
django-hijack/django-hijack 13% (178)
korfuri/django-prometheus 13% (171)
LibrePhotos/librephotos 13% (806)
pennersr/django-allauth 13% (1101)
d-demirci/django-adminlte3 13% (29)
archesproject/arches 13% (25)
rsinger86/drf-access-policy 13% (54)
crccheck/django-object-actions 13% (78)
mbi/django-rosetta 12% (122)
thalesgroup-cert/Watcher 12% (97)
DarrenOfficial/dpaste 12% (61)
openwisp/openwisp-controller 12% (63)
liangliangyy/DjangoBlog 12% (744)
wagtail/wagtail 12% (2027)
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