Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 365 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
inventree/InvenTree 35% (1128)
caoqianming/django-vue-admin 34% (234)
fabiocaccamo/django-extra-settings 34% (135)
reactive-python/reactpy-django 33% (81)
withlogicco/django-prose 32% (49)
sajib1066/django-ecommerce 31% (47)
HumanSignal/label-studio 31% (4594)
ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox 30% (5124)
ali-zahedi/az-iranian-bank-gateways 29% (113)
strawberry-graphql/strawberry-django 28% (92)
explorerhq/sql-explorer 28% (607)
openwisp/openwisp-network-topology 28% (37)
tfranzel/drf-spectacular 27% (511)
Sany07/Job-Portal-Django 27% (43)
canonical/maas 27% (78)
jamessewell/django-timescaledb 27% (39)
smahesh29/Django-WebApp 27% (96)
bitmakerla/estela 26% (36)
wger-project/wger 26% (662)
pretalx/pretalx 25% (150)
AccordBox/python-webpack-boilerplate 25% (34)
timonweb/django-tailwind 25% (293)
lardbit/nefarious 25% (207)
TandoorRecipes/recipes 24% (1088)
anzhihe/learning 24% (369)
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