Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 365 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
aliyun/django-oss-storage 2.84% (4)
flavors/django-graphql-jwt 2.76% (22)
barseghyanartur/django-fobi 2.74% (13)
jonathan-s/django-sockpuppet 2.74% (12)
worthwhile/django-herald 2.71% (6)
wq/django-rest-pandas 2.70% (33)
vitorfs/bootcamp 2.69% (60)
MicroPyramid/django-blog-it 2.68% (6)
pythonindia/junction 2.67% (5)
fangli/django-saml2-auth 2.65% (13)
the5fire/typeidea 2.57% (11)
falconry/falcon 2.51% (233)
barseghyanartur/django-elasticsearch-dsl-drf 2.49% (9)
thorgate/django-project-template 2.48% (3)
Bearle/django_mail_admin 2.45% (5)
audiolion/django-behaviors 2.39% (5)
philipn/django-rest-framework-filters 2.29% (19)
myide/see 2.23% (32)
rajasimon/beatserver 2.19% (3)
akoidan/pychat 2.18% (5)
Dmitri-Sintsov/django-jinja-knockout 2.13% (3)
openwisp/django-x509 2.10% (7)
vintasoftware/django-zombodb 2.03% (3)
palewire/django-bakery 2.02% (8)
revsys/django-friendship 2.01% (15)