Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 14 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
boxed/django-fastdev 15% (22)
hvlads/django-ckeditor-5 5.44% (8)
wrabit/django-cotton 5.25% (31)
Metron-Project/metron 4.17% (4)
django-commons/django-tailwind-cli 4.08% (4)
adamcharnock/django-hordak 3.67% (9)
mediacms-io/mediacms 3.62% (103)
vsdudakov/fastadmin 3.55% (5)
unfoldadmin/django-unfold 3.02% (57)
fl4viooliveira/django_ecommerce 2.86% (5)
ghazi-git/drf-standardized-errors 2.71% (7)
danihodovic/django-allauth-ui 2.58% (7)
MrBin99/django-vite 2.43% (14)
django-bridge/django-bridge 2.33% (3)
OWASP-BLT/BLT 2.21% (3)
ansibleguy/webui 2.13% (2)
ietf-tools/datatracker 2.13% (13)
danihodovic/django-webhook 2.08% (4)
EmilStenstrom/django-components 2.04% (24)
LeeHanYeong/django-quill-editor 2.02% (4)
ahmedaljawahiry/django-admin-site-search 1.75% (2)
phasehq/console 1.67% (8)
hbakri/django-ninja-crud 1.56% (8)
anze3db/django-tui 1.52% (4)
RamezIssac/django-erp-framework 1.51% (5)
1 2 3 ... 26 27 »