Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 14 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
mozilla/pontoon 0.43% (6)
ivelum/djangoql 0.43% (4)
d-demirci/django-adminlte3 0.43% (1)
etesync/server 0.42% (6)
rq/rq 0.41% (39)
wemake-services/django-test-migrations 0.41% (2)
fangli/django-saml2-auth 0.40% (2)
openfun/richie 0.40% (1)
makinacorpus/django-geojson 0.40% (1)
stefanfoulis/django-sendsms 0.39% (1)
st4lk/django-rest-social-auth 0.39% (2)
openwisp/openwisp-controller 0.39% (2)
merixstudio/django-trench 0.38% (1)
jazzband/django-two-factor-auth 0.38% (6)
GibbsConsulting/django-plotly-dash 0.38% (2)
Gerapy/Gerapy 0.38% (12)
django-money/django-money 0.38% (6)
allegro/ralph 0.37% (8)
caioariede/django-location-field 0.37% (2)
korfuri/django-prometheus 0.37% (5)
nextcloud/appstore 0.36% (1)
confucianzuoyuan/bookstore 0.36% (2)
jazzband/django-redis 0.36% (10)
django-hijack/django-hijack 0.36% (5)
ansible/awx 0.35% (47)