Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 14 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
crccheck/django-object-actions 0.45% (3)
yogeshojha/rengine 0.45% (33)
erdem/django-map-widgets 0.45% (2)
coderedcorp/coderedcms 0.44% (3)
jazzband/django-rest-knox 0.44% (5)
ohld/django-telegram-bot 0.44% (3)
jschneier/django-storages 0.44% (12)
MicroPyramid/django-blog-it 0.44% (1)
SectorLabs/django-postgres-extra 0.43% (3)
ebertti/django-admin-easy 0.43% (2)
jet-admin/jet-bridge 0.43% (7)
mozilla/bedrock 0.43% (5)
iMerica/dj-rest-auth 0.43% (7)
PaulGilmartin/django-pgpubsub 0.43% (1)
theatlantic/django-nested-admin 0.42% (3)
adamcharnock/django-hordak 0.42% (1)
wuba/Antenna 0.42% (3)
kiwitcms/Kiwi 0.41% (4)
jazzband/django-simple-history 0.41% (9)
revsys/django-health-check 0.41% (5)
vintasoftware/django-react-boilerplate 0.41% (8)
myminwang/myblog 0.41% (2)
django-tenants/django-tenants 0.41% (6)
newpanjing/simpleui 0.41% (14)
jazzband/django-axes 0.41% (6)