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Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 30 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
mbi/django-rosetta 1.52% (16)
TianPangJi/drf_admin 1.51% (8)
rsinger86/drf-access-policy 1.50% (7)
citusdata/django-multitenant 1.49% (11)
HaoZhang95/dailyfresh 1.49% (3)
bbmokhtari/django-translations 1.48% (2)
apragacz/django-rest-registration 1.48% (8)
holoviz/panel 1.48% (70)
django-tenants/django-tenants 1.47% (22)
DefectDojo/django-DefectDojo 1.47% (54)
vintasoftware/django-react-boilerplate 1.47% (29)
Nitrate/Nitrate 1.47% (4)
usnistgov/NEMO 1.45% (2)
RamezIssac/django-slick-reporting 1.44% (8)
etesync/server 1.43% (22)
WeblateOrg/weblate 1.42% (65)
ali-zahedi/az-iranian-bank-gateways 1.41% (7)
jazzband/django-auditlog 1.41% (16)
faust-streaming/faust 1.41% (23)
app-generator/django-admin-volt 1.40% (2)
neo4j-contrib/django-neomodel 1.40% (4)
theatlantic/django-nested-admin 1.40% (10)
mathiasertl/django-ca 1.39% (2)
jazzband/django-two-factor-auth 1.37% (23)
jambonrose/django-improved-user 1.36% (2)
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