
Expose Django management commands in the admin




:lightbulb: Expose Django management commands as forms in the admin, like so:



  • Django 4.2+ (this project tracks Django's end-of-life policy)
  • Python 3.10+


Install the package as you would any Python package, then add django_managerie to your INSTALLED_APPS.

Automatic patching

This is the easiest way to get up and running. You can have Managerie patch the admin site's dashboard view to include pseudo-models with the name "Commands" for all apps where management commands are available, and while it's at it, it'll also include URLs of its own.

Hook up Managerie to your admin site (e.g. in urls.py, where you have admin.autodiscover()), like so:

from django.contrib import admin
from django_managerie import Managerie
# ...
managerie = Managerie(admin_site=admin.site)

No patching

This is likely safer (in the presence of slightly less tolerant 3rd party apps that mangle the admin, for instance), but you can't enjoy the luxury of the Commands buttons in the admin dashboard.

from django.contrib import admin
from django.conf.urls import include, url
from django_managerie import Managerie
# ...
managerie = Managerie(admin_site=admin.site)
# ...
urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    # ... url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)), ...
    url(r'^admin/', include(managerie.urls)),  # Add this!


If you allowed Managerie to patch your admin, superusers can now see Commands "objects" in the admin dashboard. If you didn't patch the admin, you can access a list of all commands through /admin/managerie/ (or wherever your admin is mounted).

If you click through to a command, you'll see the arguments of the command laid out as a form. Fill the form, then hit "Execute Command", and you're done! :sparkles:

Accessing the Django request from a managerie'd command

Managerie sets _managerie_request on the command instance to the current Django request. You can use it to access the request, for instance, to get the current user.

Accessing standard input

By default, Managerie will patch sys.stdin to be an empty stream. If you need to read from standard input (e.g. long input), set the managerie_accepts_stdin attribute on your command class to True.

This will cause Managerie to add a text-area to the form, which will be passed to the command as standard input.

Note that sys.stdin.buffer (binary mode) is not supported.


  • More argparse action support
  • Multiple-argument support (nargs)
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