Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 30 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
phasehq/console 3.40% (16)
carltongibson/neapolitan 3.35% (17)
djlint/djLint 3.17% (22)
jayvynl/django-clickhouse-backend 3.17% (4)
danihodovic/django-webhook 3.16% (6)
akashroshan135/inventory-management 3.09% (3)
eadwinCode/django-ninja-extra 3.08% (12)
inventree/InvenTree 3.08% (131)
RamezIssac/django-erp-framework 3.07% (10)
shyam999/Django-ecommerce 2.85% (8)
astral-sh/ruff 2.83% (918)
HumanSignal/label-studio 2.77% (527)
GhostManager/Ghostwriter 2.76% (37)
globophobe/django-semantic-admin 2.70% (4)
pyepye/django-magiclink 2.68% (3)
LeeHanYeong/django-quill-editor 2.54% (5)
ihopeit/recruitment 2.52% (3)
pretix/pretix 2.51% (47)
Sany07/Job-Portal-Django 2.50% (5)
makeplane/plane 2.49% (752)
shreys7/django-todo 2.42% (3)
vitalik/django-ninja 2.40% (173)
danihodovic/celery-exporter 2.37% (10)
nextcloud/appstore 2.33% (7)
Flagsmith/flagsmith 2.32% (112)
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