Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 90 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
shreys7/django-todo 6.56% (8)
djlint/djLint 6.52% (44)
app-generator/django-admin-volt 6.43% (9)
pretix/pretix 6.43% (117)
pretalx/pretalx 6.33% (45)
meshy/django-schema-graph 6.30% (22)
adamcharnock/django-hordak 6.30% (15)
openwisp/openwisp-network-topology 6.06% (10)
bhch/django-jsonform 6.01% (20)
django-tenants/django-tenants 5.97% (88)
OWASP-BLT/BLT 5.97% (8)
bram2w/baserow 5.61% (130)
zinmyoswe/Django-Ecommerce 5.56% (35)
vintasoftware/django-templated-email 5.56% (39)
umap-project/umap 5.37% (62)
wsvincent/lithium 5.33% (112)
RamezIssac/django-erp-framework 5.31% (17)
adamchainz/django-htmx 5.28% (84)
sajib1066/django-ecommerce 5.26% (10)
QueraTeam/django-nextjs 5.22% (18)
LeeHanYeong/django-quill-editor 5.21% (10)
usnistgov/NEMO 5.19% (7)
dgk/django-business-logic 5.14% (11)
nearbeach/NearBeach 5.13% (8)
typeddjango/djangorestframework-stubs 5.02% (22)
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