Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 90 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
fabiocaccamo/django-extra-settings 8.95% (46)
astral-sh/ruff 8.73% (2735)
ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox 8.55% (1792)
shyam999/Django-ecommerce 8.52% (23)
eadwinCode/django-ninja-extra 8.49% (32)
HumanSignal/label-studio 8.42% (1547)
pyepye/django-magiclink 8.41% (9)
danihodovic/django-webhook 8.24% (15)
ghazi-git/drf-standardized-errors 8.03% (20)
meeb/tubesync 7.95% (150)
danihodovic/celery-exporter 7.84% (32)
anze3db/django-tui 7.60% (19)
canonical/maas 7.32% (26)
nautobot/nautobot 7.25% (74)
nextcloud/appstore 7.24% (21)
Sany07/Job-Portal-Django 7.18% (14)
arrobalytics/django-ledger 7.13% (69)
TandoorRecipes/recipes 7.13% (381)
Flagsmith/flagsmith 7.11% (338)
ihopeit/recruitment 7.02% (8)
wger-project/wger 6.94% (215)
cfpb/ 6.93% (19)
GhostManager/Ghostwriter 6.88% (90)
makeplane/plane 6.77% (1992)
vitalik/django-ninja 6.69% (469)
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