
Django based tool for monitoring huey task queue:



Django based tool for monitoring huey task queue

Current implementation will just store all Huey task signals into the database and display them in the Django admin.

tests codecov django-huey-monitor @ PyPi Python Versions License GPL-3.0-or-later


pip install django-huey-monitor
    'bx_django_utils', #

Note: You must normally not change your Huey tasks.

Collect main-/sub-tasks

Huey monitor model can store information about task hierarchy. But this information can't be collected automatically. You have to store these information in your Task code.


def sub_task(task, parent_task_id, chunk_data):
    # Save the task hierarchy by:
    # ... do something with e.g.: chunk_data ...

def main_task(task):
    for chunk_data in something:
        sub_task(, chunk_data=chunk_data)

Working example can be found in the test app here: huey_monitor_tests/test_app/

Collect progress information

Running task can store progress information in a similar way as tqdm. So it's possible to see the progress in admin.

Minimal example:

def foobar_task(task, list_to_process):
    process_info = ProcessInfo(
        desc='A description of this Job',

    for item in list_to_process:
        # something with the {item}...
        process_info.update(n=1) # add the information that one item was processed

It is also possible to divide the work to several tasks and collect information about the processing of main-/sub-tasks.

Working example can be found in the test app here: huey_monitor_tests/test_app/


override list filter (optional)

It is possible to override list_filter of SignalInfoModelAdmin and TaskModelAdmin via settings. e.g.:

HUEY_MONITOR_SIGNAL_INFO_MODEL_LIST_FILTER = ('task__name', 'signal_name')
HUEY_MONITOR_TASK_MODEL_LIST_FILTER = ('name', 'state__signal_name')

Note: This both settings are optional. In this example is the "hostname" filter not present ;)

run test project

Note: You can quickly test Huey Monitor with the test project, e.g:

~/django-huey-monitor$ ./ run_testserver

or in an isolated Docker container:

~/django-huey-monitor$ make up

More info see below.


(More Screenshots here:






  • install docker
  • clone the project
  • start the container

To start developing e.g.:

~$ git clone
~$ cd django-huey-monitor
~/django-huey-monitor$ ./
~/django-huey-monitor$ make help
~/django-huey-monitor$ make up

Point our browser to: http://localhost:8000/

Our Makefile contains the following targets:

help                           List all commands
install                        install huey monitor package
update                         Update the dependencies as according to the pyproject.toml file
run-dev-server                 Run Django's developer server
test                           Run unittests
tox                            Run unittests via tox
makemessages                   Make and compile locales message files
clean                          Remove created files from the test project (e.g.: SQlite, static files)
build                          Update/Build docker services
up                             Start docker containers
down                           Stop all containers
shell-django                   go into a interactive bash shell in Django container
run-shell-django               Build and start the Django container and go into shell
shell-huey1                    go into a interactive bash shell in Huey worker container 1
shell-huey2                    go into a interactive bash shell in Huey worker container 2
shell-huey3                    go into a interactive bash shell in Huey worker container 3
shell-redis                    go into a interactive bash shell in Redis container
logs                           Display and follow docker logs
logs-django                    Display and follow docker logs only from "django" container
reload-django                  Reload the Django dev server
reload-huey                    Reload the Huey worker
restart                        Restart the containers
fire-test-tasks                Call "fire-test-tasks" manage command to create some Huey Tasks
fire-many-test-tasks           Call "fire-test-tasks" with --count 10000 to create many task entries ;)
fire-parallel-processing-task  Just fire "parallel processing" Huey Task
delete-all-tasks-data          Delete all Task/Signal database enties

It's also possible to run the test setup with SQLite and Huey immediate setup without docker:

~$ git clone
~$ cd django-huey-monitor
~/django-huey-monitor$ ./ run_dev_server

Backwards-incompatible changes

Version compatibility

Huey Monitor Django Python
>0.10.0 v4.2, v5.0, v5.1 v3.11, v3.12
>v0.7.0 v3.2, v4.1, v4.2 v3.9, v3.10, v3.11
>v0.6.0 v3.2, v4.0, v4.1 v3.9, v3.10, v3.11
>v0.5.0 v2.2, v3.1, v3.2 v3.7, v3.8, v3.9
<=v0.4.0 v2.2, v3.0, v3.1 v3.7, v3.8, v3.9


Set min. Python to v3.11. Remove Django 3.2.x and add Django v5.1.x to text matrix.


We refactor the project setup: Developer must reinit the repository.


Change CI and remove tests against Django 3.0, but add test run with Django v3.2

v0.3.0 -> v0.4.0 - Outsourcing Django stuff

bx_py_utils was split and Django related stuff moved into: bx_django_utils

You must change your Django settings and replace the app name:

-     'bx_py_utils',
+     'bx_django_utils',


  • dev
  • tbc
  • v0.9.1 - 26.01.2024
  • Fix DisallowedModelAdminLookup in SignalInfoModelAdmin, too.
  • v0.9.0 - 22.12.2023
  • Fix #135 DisallowedModelAdminLookup in TaskModelAdmin
  • Add "thread" name as change list filter.
  • Enhance test project setup
  • Apply manageprojects updates
  • Remove Python v3.9 support
  • Add Django v5.0 to test matrix and remove Django 4.1
  • Enable local AUTOLOGIN as default
  • Use unittest "load_tests Protocol" and deny any requests in tests
  • Add
  • Update requirements
  • v0.8.1 - 20.11.2023
  • Bugfix ZeroDivisionError in admin
  • v0.8.0 - 20.11.2023
  • Make is possible to override list_filter of SignalInfoModelAdmin and TaskModelAdmin via settings
  • Update local docker dev setup
  • v0.7.1 - 18.08.2023
  • Fix #127: Catch error getting HUEY counts
  • v0.7.0 - 09.08.2023
  • New: Display Huey pending/scheduled/result task counts in admin
  • Switch to git main branch
  • Switch from pytest to normal unittests
  • Switch from poetry to pip-tools
  • Use for developing
  • Expand test matrix by remove Django 4.0 and add 4.2
  • Enhance tox config
  • v0.6.0 - 09.01.2023
  • Test against Django v3.2, v4.0, v4.1 and Python v3.9 - v3.11
  • Optimize Admin change list (contributed by henribru)
  • Order sub-tasks chronologically in admin (contributed by Skrattoune)
  • displaying progression for parent_tasks (contributed by Skrattoune)
  • Delegating set_parent_task to ProcessInfo.__init__ (contributed by Skrattoune)
  • Fix #27 auto crop overlong process info description
  • NEW #102 Unlock all tasks via change list object tool link
  • Fix #81 Expand TaskModel.desc max. length and make SignalInfoModel.exception_line optional
  • Update docker test setup
  • v0.5.0 - 10.02.2022
  • Refactor models: Remove TaskProgressModel and store progress information into TaskModel
  • v0.4.6 - 03.02.2022
  • Display task desc or name in TaskAdmin (contributed by Skrattoune)
  • update requirements
  • use Darker as code formatter
  • Check linting via PyTest plugins
  • v0.4.5 - 28.01.2022
  • Fix #46 by increment existing TaskProgressModel instances (based on contribution by Skrattoune)
  • v0.4.4 - 07.01.2022
  • Add missing huey_monitor.css file
  • v0.4.3 - 07.01.2022
  • Add temporary cumulate2parents flag to ProcessInfo (contributed by formacube)
  • v0.4.2 - 25.08.2020
  • suppress the default_app_config attribute in Django 3.2+ (contributed by Jonas Svarvaa)
  • v0.4.1 - 02.06.2020
  • Bugfix ProcessInfo.__str__()
  • #27 Check 'desc' length in ProcessInfo
  • Remove test against Django 3.0 and add tests with Django 3.2
  • Bugfix local tox runs and use different Python versions
  • v0.4.0 - 21.05.2020
  • bx_py_utils was split and Django related stuff moved into:
  • v0.3.0 - 22.02.2020
  • Store and display running task progress information a little bit as tqdm #17
  • v0.2.0 - 17.02.2020
  • Store "parent_task" information for main-/sub-tasks
  • v0.1.0 - 21.12.2020
  • Work-a-round if a Huey worker died
  • Fix missing translations from bx_py_utils in test project
  • Simulate a cluster of Huey worker via docker and the test project
  • v0.0.1 - 15.12.2021
  • initial release


GPL. Patches welcome!


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