Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 30 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
awesto/django-shop 0.44% (14)
sunscrapers/djoser 0.43% (11)
SmileyChris/easy-thumbnails 0.43% (6)
wooey/Wooey 0.42% (9)
pythonzm/Ops 0.42% (3)
pmclanahan/django-celery-email 0.42% (2)
Gerapy/Gerapy 0.42% (14)
jazzband/django-fsm-log 0.41% (1)
viewflow/viewflow 0.41% (11)
myminwang/myblog 0.41% (2)
uselotus/lotus 0.41% (7)
rsinger86/drf-flex-fields 0.41% (3)
codingjoe/django-pictures 0.40% (1)
dmpayton/django-admin-honeypot 0.39% (4)
django-es/django-elasticsearch-dsl 0.39% (4)
burke-software/django-report-builder 0.39% (3)
modlinltd/django-advanced-filters 0.39% (3)
IdentityPython/djangosaml2 0.39% (1)
django-commons/django-debug-toolbar 0.38% (31)
openfun/richie 0.38% (1)
jazzband/django-oauth-toolkit 0.38% (12)
axnsan12/drf-yasg 0.38% (13)
justquick/django-activity-stream 0.38% (9)
adamchainz/django-cors-headers 0.37% (20)
snok/django-auth-adfs 0.37% (1)