This project was done by me as a assignment for an internship.
Assignment Problem Statement:
Part 1:
- Create a web-app where a user can login.
- User can upload files.
- User can view his/her uploaded files.
Part 2:
- User can search and view profile of other users.
- They can share their uploaded files with any of those users.
- Users can see the shared files by other users also in uploaded files.
Additional Features:
- In users profile user can set his/her profile picture.
- Users can download other users uploaded files.
- The user can upload any type of files such as images, videos, text files and also different types of programs like python code, java code, etc.
Technologies Used:
- Python
- Django
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
Additional Python Modules Required:
- Django
- django-crispy-forms
- Pillow
Note :
The Secret_Key required for the execution and debugging of project is not removed from the project code. So you can use the project as your college mini-project or by using the project code you can build your own project.
Usage :
python django_web_app/ makemigrations
python django_web_app/ migrate
python django_web_app/ runserver
In your web browser enter the address : http://localhost:8000 or
Screenshots :