Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 14 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
maldoinc/wireup 17% (21)
iamtelescope/telescope 15% (69)
django-commons/django-typer 11% (15)
DjangoCRM/django-crm 7.81% (15)
nephila/djangocms-blog 5.76% (24)
OWASP-BLT/BLT 5.49% (9)
makeplane/plane 4.11% (1371)
django-commons/django-tailwind-cli 4.03% (5)
adamspd/django-appointment 3.61% (7)
django-bridge/django-bridge 3.59% (7)
AmbitionEng/django-pghistory 3.41% (14)
amirhamiri/django-admin-notification 3.37% (3)
MrBin99/django-vite 3.09% (20)
globophobe/django-semantic-admin 2.52% (4)
wrabit/django-cotton 2.47% (19)
Sany07/Job-Portal-Django 2.25% (5)
unfoldadmin/django-unfold 1.97% (45)
openlegaldata/oldp 1.96% (2)
phasehq/console 1.90% (11)
vsdudakov/fastadmin 1.69% (3)
zinmyoswe/Django-Ecommerce 1.61% (11)
bhch/django-jsonform 1.59% (6)
Flagsmith/flagsmith 1.57% (85)
jrobichaud/django-structlog 1.52% (7)
outreachy/website 1.52% (4)
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