Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last seven days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
hvlads/django-ckeditor-5 4.11% (6)
muhammad-fiaz/portfolio 3.23% (4)
django-commons/django-tailwind-cli 3.06% (3)
OWASP-BLT/BLT 2.94% (4)
vsdudakov/fastadmin 2.88% (4)
fl4viooliveira/django_ecommerce 2.87% (5)
boxed/django-fastdev 2.70% (4)
danihodovic/django-allauth-ui 2.23% (6)
maldoinc/wireup 2.02% (2)
unfoldadmin/django-unfold 1.81% (34)
meshy/django-schema-graph 1.65% (6)
Opus10/django-pghistory 1.65% (6)
ghazi-git/drf-standardized-errors 1.56% (4)
django-bridge/django-bridge 1.55% (2)
wrabit/django-cotton 1.53% (9)
vintasoftware/django-templated-email 1.53% (11)
LeeHanYeong/django-quill-editor 1.52% (3)
globophobe/django-semantic-admin 1.33% (2)
phasehq/console 1.26% (6)
cfpb/django-flags 1.17% (3)
ietf-tools/datatracker 1.15% (7)
cfpb/ 1.08% (3)
zinmyoswe/Django-Ecommerce 1.08% (7)
pretix/pretix 1.06% (20)
neo4j-contrib/django-neomodel 1.05% (3)
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