Trending repositories
Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last 14 days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
silviolleite/django-pwa 0.62% (3)
jamessewell/django-timescaledb 0.61% (1)
withlogicco/django-prose 0.61% (1)
Brobin/django-seed 0.61% (4)
soynatan/django-easy-audit 0.60% (4)
danidee10/django-notifs 0.60% (1)
netbox-community/netbox 0.60% (89)
farhan0581/django-admin-autocomplete-filter 0.60% (2)
django-tenants/django-tenants 0.60% (8)
jazzband/django-auditlog 0.59% (6)
slyapustin/django-classified 0.59% (1)
latenighttales/alcali 0.58% (2)
syrusakbary/snapshottest 0.58% (3)
sajib1066/django-ecommerce 0.58% (1)
tetra-framework/tetra 0.58% (3)
iMerica/dj-rest-auth 0.58% (9)
TandoorRecipes/recipes 0.57% (28)
Sany07/Job-Portal-Django 0.56% (1)
feincms/feincms 0.56% (5)
torchbox/wagtail-markdown 0.56% (1)
farridav/django-jazzmin 0.55% (8)
LeeHanYeong/django-quill-editor 0.55% (1)
fabiocaccamo/django-admin-interface 0.54% (9)
Cloud-CV/EvalAI 0.54% (9)
TheAbhijeet/Django_blog 0.53% (2)
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