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Repositories with proportionally largest increase in stars for the last seven days
Name % stars increase (new stars)
ali-zahedi/az-iranian-bank-gateways 2.73% (12)
unfoldadmin/django-unfold 2.28% (22)
eadwinCode/django-ninja-extra 2.05% (6)
shreys7/django-todo 2.02% (2)
git-men/lightning 1.95% (3)
LeoneBacciu/django-email-verification 1.80% (6)
hbakri/django-ninja-crud 1.55% (6)
django-query-profiler/django-query-profiler 1.54% (2)
EmilStenstrom/django-components 1.42% (13)
bhch/django-jsonform 1.40% (4)
anze3db/django-tui 1.33% (3)
shyam999/Django-ecommerce 1.32% (3)
phasehq/console 1.28% (3)
nautobot/nautobot 1.15% (10)
justinmayer/kagi 1.12% (1)
mayan-edms/Mayan-EDMS 1.09% (6)
adamchainz/django-htmx 1.08% (15)
stellar/django-polaris 1.08% (1)
dgk/django-business-logic 1.01% (2)
caoqianming/django-vue-admin 1.00% (8)
dizballanze/django-admin-env-notice 1.00% (3)
codingjoe/django-pictures 0.97% (2)
ihopeit/recruitment 0.94% (1)
canonical/maas 0.94% (3)
ghazi-git/drf-standardized-errors 0.93% (2)
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