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Engineers with the most new followers in the past 14 days
Name Number of new followers
simonw simonw 104
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cclauss cclauss 32
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charliermarsh charliermarsh 21
alex alex 17
app-generator app-generator 16
Germey Germey 15
messense messense 14
gvwilson gvwilson 13
wsvincent wsvincent 11
snyk-bot snyk-bot 11
mjhea0 mjhea0 11
tomchristie tomchristie 10
Kludex Kludex 10
AlexWaygood AlexWaygood 10
masci masci 10
semantic-release-bot semantic-release-bot 10
benvinegar benvinegar 9
tmcw tmcw 9
hugovk hugovk 9
hramezani hramezani 8
avelino avelino 8
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1 2 3 ... 15 16 »