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Name Upvotes
Implementing notifications without celery 2
DjangoCon US 2024 CFP Last Call 2
Optimization problem 2
Django Plotly 2
What are the prerequisites? 2
AppConfig.ready() and changing Django settings 2
Creating a package advise 2
django-htmx todo app OP 2
Use of management commands in day to day code 2
pg_cron vs celery to schedule tasks 2
3 questions about offering a public API to my users 2
Using contrib.auth.models.User correctly. 2
MonkeyType on production with Django 2
SAML implementation as IDP 2
An open letter regarding the DjangoCon Europe CfP 2
Django CI/CD gh actions/migrations 2
Using tuple and list 2
DRF with lots of models, dynamic view 2
Using Jinja in Django 4.2 2
Unable to get both access and refresh cookies in http … 2
Video Tutorial teaching how to build a Netflix clone w… 2
Solving N+1 query for Model with Many To One relations… 2
Not translating on server 2
Dynamic Views 2
Need help regarding asynchronous tasks 2