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Engineers with the most new followers in the past 14 days
Name Number of new followers
colin99d colin99d 6
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evildmp evildmp 5
certsocietegenerale certsocietegenerale 5
garnertb garnertb 5
gvwilson gvwilson 5
MichaReiser MichaReiser 5
adrianholovaty adrianholovaty 4
yogeshojha yogeshojha 4
andrewgodwin andrewgodwin 4
monosans monosans 4
pawl pawl 4
jefftriplett jefftriplett 4
nextcloud-bot nextcloud-bot 4
jennifer-richards jennifer-richards 4
NGPixel NGPixel 4
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vmihailenco vmihailenco 4
bovirus bovirus 4
chrismaddalena chrismaddalena 4
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