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Engineers with the most new followers in the past 14 days
Name Number of new followers
eadwinCode eadwinCode 2
chrismaddalena chrismaddalena 2
fastlorenzo fastlorenzo 2
kyoshino kyoshino 2
schalkneethling schalkneethling 2
DjangoCRM DjangoCRM 2
davehunt davehunt 2
robhudson robhudson 2
cdeil cdeil 2
bee-keeper bee-keeper 2
graingert graingert 2
defrex defrex 2
Anof-cyber Anof-cyber 2
Ehco1996 Ehco1996 2
dulmandakh dulmandakh 2
vbabiy vbabiy 2
smithdc1 smithdc1 2
sergeyklay sergeyklay 2
mgrdcm mgrdcm 2
montylounge montylounge 2
EnTeQuAk EnTeQuAk 2
jambonrose jambonrose 2
jerch jerch 2
andersk andersk 2
joshblum joshblum 2