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Name Upvotes
Announcing Django Shinobi, a fork of Django Ninja 168
I accidentally made an LMS... Now it's open-source 🤷‍♂️ 131
Django REST framework, Django Ninja, FastAPI with Pyda… 94
My talk has been accepted for DjangoCon EU 2025! 92
Django 5.1 Security Vulnerabilities: What You Need to … 84
My Ever-Expanding Python & Django Notes 81
Django + React vs. Django + HTMX – Which One Should I … 80
What I learned about Django security from my hidden an… 71
Django in government 62
Django 5.2 beta 1 released 57
Tips to find a junior Python or Django developer job 44
How do you self learn to make production ready applica… 42
Critique this Django App 32
iommi 7.10.0 released 32
Drf vs Django ninja for new enterprise project? 30
Inviting contributions to an open source chat web app ! 27
What’s a Django Package That Doesn’t Exist Yet, But Yo… 24
What's next for django developer? 20
Starter Django Project (Boilerplate) 19
How to Create a User Registration Page in Django – Sim… 19
Generating PDF with Rest Framework 16
Dockerize a Django App 15
Struggling to see the point of rotating JWT tokens. 14
How to use Django like a Java developer 13
PostgreSQL & BeyondTrust Zero-Days Exploited in Coordi… 13
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