Trending social media news
Name Upvotes
TIL: You can actually debug the Django shell in VS Cod… 145
Django Tip Tracking Model Changes Easily 106
Django 5.2 release candidate 1 released 75
Just Shared My Django ORM Learnings - Would Love Feedb… 71
Improve the Speed of Django Admin 59
Django Query Optimization - Defer, Only, and Exclude 49
REST in Peace? Django's Framework Problem 45
Just Built & Deployed a Video Platform MVP ( saketmano… 35
Is asking for a walk through of a system when arriving… 34
Looking for production level Django projects to learn … 34
Can someone suggest a good full stack web development … 32
Switching from DRF to Django Ninja? 30
How to safely host Django locally? 30
Hypercorn VS Uvicorn VS Daphne+Gunicorn? (Behind Nginx) 29
How to Manage Django Migrations in a Production Enviro… 28
Django vs. Nestjs 26
[Soft Launch] Quick-Scale – A SaaS Starter Kit 25
OnixDj – A Full-Stack SaaS Boilerplate 22
DSF member of the month - Cory Zue 22
Looking for Feedback: HTMX + Django Package 19
Sr. Software Engineer seeking new position. 19
Best source to learn django 19
Django template/html fix 19
FastAPI will soon surpass Django in GitHub stars, but … 18
I Built Astra: 1-Click Django Deployment—Feedback Welc… 17
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