A fresh approach to autocomplete implementations, specially for Django. Status: v4 alpha, v3 stable, v2 & v1 deprecated.

- Django 4.2 support starting DAL 3.10, support for earlier Django
versions in DAL \< 3.10
- Django (multiple) choice support,
- Django (multiple) model choice support,
- Django generic foreign key support (through
- Django generic many to many relation support (through
django-generic-m2m and django-gm2m)
- Multiple widget support: select2.js, easy to add more.
- Creating choices that don\'t exist in the autocomplete,
- Offering choices that depend on other fields in the form, in an
elegant and innovative way,
- Dynamic widget creation (ie. inlines), supports YOUR custom scripts
- Provides a test API for your awesome autocompletes, to support YOUR
custom use cases too,
- A documented automatically tested example for each use case in