
Middleware to allow authorization using Keycloak and Django for django-rest-framework (DRF). This package should only be used in projects starting from scratch, since it overrides the users' management.


Django Keycloak Authorization

Middleware to allow authorization using Keycloak and Django for django-rest-framework (DRF) and Graphene-based projects. This package should only be used in projects starting from scratch, since it overrides the users' management.


  1. Add the module to your environment

    • With PIP:

      shell pip install django-uw-keycloak

    • By compiling from source:

      shell git clone https://github.com/urbanplatform/django-keycloak-auth && \ cd django-keycloak-auth && \ python3 setup.py install

  2. Add django_keycloak to the Django project's INSTALLED_APPS set in the settings file

  3. Add django_keycloak.middleware.KeycloakMiddleware to the Django MIDDLEWARE set in the settings file
  4. In your Django project's settings file, change the Django AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS to:

    python AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ('django_keycloak.backends.KeycloakAuthenticationBackend',)

  5. Add the following configuration to Django settings and replace the values with your own configuration attributes:

    python KEYCLOAK_CONFIG = { # Keycloak's Public Server URL (e.g. http://localhost:8080) 'SERVER_URL': '<PUBLIC_SERVER_URL>', # Keycloak's Internal URL # (e.g. http://keycloak:8080 for a docker service named keycloak) # Optional: Default is SERVER_URL 'INTERNAL_URL': '<INTERNAL_SERVER_URL>', # Override for default Keycloak's base path # Default is '/auth/' 'BASE_PATH': '/auth/', # The name of the Keycloak's realm 'REALM': '<REALM_NAME>', # The ID of this client in the above Keycloak realm 'CLIENT_ID': '<CLIENT_ID>', # The secret for this confidential client 'CLIENT_SECRET_KEY': '<CLIENT_SECRET_KEY>', # The name of the admin role for the client 'CLIENT_ADMIN_ROLE': '<CLIENT_ADMIN_ROLE>', # The name of the admin role for the realm 'REALM_ADMIN_ROLE': '<REALM_ADMIN_ROLE>', # Regex formatted URLs to skip authentication 'EXEMPT_URIS': [], # Flag if the token should be introspected or decoded (default is False) 'DECODE_TOKEN': False, # Flag if the audience in the token should be verified (default is True) 'VERIFY_AUDIENCE': True, # Flag if the user info has been included in the token (default is True) 'USER_INFO_IN_TOKEN': True, # Flag to show the traceback of debug logs (default is False) 'TRACE_DEBUG_LOGS': False, # The token prefix that is expected in Authorization header (default is 'Bearer') 'TOKEN_PREFIX': 'Bearer' }

  6. Override the Django user model in the settings file:

    python AUTH_USER_MODEL = "django_keycloak.KeycloakUserAutoId"

  7. Configure Django-Rest-Framework authentication classes with django_keycloak.authentication.KeycloakAuthentication:

    python REST_FRAMEWORK = { # ... other rest framework settings. 'DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES': [ 'django_keycloak.authentication.KeycloakAuthentication' ], }


Server URLs

To customise Keycloak's URL path, set BASE_PATH (for example /my_path or /) as follows:

  • SERVER_URL/auth/admin/... to SERVER_URL/my_path/admin/...
  • SERVER_URL/auth/realms/... to SERVER_URL/realms/...

If your OAuth clients (web or mobile app) use a different URL than your Django service, specify the public URL (https://oauth.example.com) in SERVER_URL and the internal URL (http://keycloak.local) in INTERNAL_URL.

DRY Permissions

The permissions must be set like in other projects. You must set the permissions configuration for each model. Example:

def has_read_permission(request):
    roles = request.remote_user.get('client_roles')

    return True if 'ADMIN' in roles else False

Keycloak users synchronization

The management command sync_keycloak_users must be ran periodically, in order to remove from the users no longer available at Keycloak from the local users. This command can be called using the task named sync_users_with_keycloak, using Celery. Fot that, you just need to:

  • Add the task to the CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE ìn the Django project's settings:

python CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE = { 'sync_users_with_keycloak': { 'task': 'django_keycloak.tasks.sync_users_with_keycloak', 'schedule': timedelta(hours=24), 'options': {'queue': 'sync_users'} }, }

  • Add the sync_users queue to the docker-compose's celery service:

command: celery worker -A citibrain_base -B -E -l info -Q backup,celery,sync_users --autoscale=4,1

Attention: This task is only responsible to delete users from local storage. The creation of new users, on Keycloak, is done when they try to login.


Support for celery 5: from version 0.7.4 on we should use celery 5 for the user sync. This implies running celery with celery -A app worker ... instead of celery worker -A app ...


Making Migrations

Save the changes in the respective model and run the command below.

python makemigrations.py


django-keycloak-auth [at] googlegroups [dot] com

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