
Django-more-admin-filters is a collection of django admin filters with a focus on filters using dropdown widgets, multiple choice filters and filters working with annotated attributes.

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python: 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11

django: 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 5.0, 5.1


Django-more-admin-filters is a collection of django admin filters with a focus on filters using dropdown widgets, multiple choice filters and filters working with annotated attributes.


Install from

pip install django-more-admin-filters

Add more_admin_filters to your installed apps:


Use the filter classes with your ModelAdmin:

from more_admin_filters import MultiSelectDropdownFilter

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_filter = [
        ('myfield', MultiSelectDropdownFilter),

Since the ModelAdmin routine to initialize the list filters doesn\'t work with annotated attributes the usage for an annotation filter is a little bit special. The filter class needs to be equipped with the attribute\'s name:

list_filter = [

Filter classes

  • DropdownFilter

    Dropdown filter for all kind of fields.

  • ChoicesDropdownFilter

    Dropdown filter for fields using choices.

  • RelatedDropdownFilter

    Dropdown filter for relation fields.

  • RelatedOnlyDropdownFilter

    Dropdown filter for relation fields using limit_choices_to.

  • MultiSelectFilter

    Multi select filter for all kind of fields.

  • MultiSelectRelatedFilter

    Multi select filter for relation fields.

  • MultiSelectRelatedOnlyFilter

    Multi select filter for related fields with choices limited to the objects involved in that relation.

  • MultiSelectDropdownFilter

    Multi select dropdown filter for all kind of fields.

  • MultiSelectRelatedDropdownFilter

    Multi select dropdown filter for relation fields.

  • MultiSelectRelatedOnlyDropdownFilter

    Multi select dropdown filter for relation fields with choices limited to the objects involved in that relation.

  • BooleanAnnotationFilter

    Filter for annotated boolean-attributes.

::: note ::: title Note :::

More kind of annotation filters will be added in future versions. :::

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