REST implementation of Django authentication system. djoser library provides a set of Django Rest Framework views to handle basic actions such as registration, login, logout, password reset and account activation. It works with custom user model.
Supported features include:
- Token-based authentication
- JWT authentication
- Social authentication
- WebAuthn support
Instead of reusing Django code (e.g. PasswordResetForm
), we
reimplemented few things to fit better into Single Page
Developed by SUNSCRAPERS with passion & patience.
To be able to run djoser you have to meet the following requirements:
- Python>=3.9,\<4.0 (including 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12)
- Django>=3.0.0 (supporting Django 3.2 through 5.1)
- Django REST Framework>=3.12
Simply install using pip
$ pip install djoser
And continue with the steps described at configuration guide.
Documentation is available to study at
and in docs
Contributing and development
To start developing on djoser, clone the repository:
$ git clone [email protected]:sunscrapers/djoser.git
We use poetry as dependency management and packaging tool.
$ cd djoser
$ poetry install --all-extras
This will create a virtualenv with all development dependencies.
To run the test just type:
$ poetry run pytest
We also prepared a convenient Makefile
to automate commands above:
$ make init
$ make test
To activate the virtual environment run
$ poetry shell
Without poetry
New versions of pip
can use pyproject.toml
to build the package and
install its dependencies.
$ pip install .[test]
$ cd testproject
$ ./ test
Example project
You can also play with test project by running following commands:
$ make migrate
$ make runserver
Commiting your code
Before sending patches please make sure you have pre-commit activated in your local git repository:
$ poetry run pre-commit install
This will ensure that your code is cleaned before you commit it. The pre-commit hooks will run:
- Black (code formatting)
- Ruff (linting)
- Docformatter (docstring formatting)
- Other quality checks
Similar projects
List of projects related to Django, REST and authentication:
Please, keep in mind that while using custom authentication and TokenCreateSerializer validation, there is a path that ignores intentional return of None from authenticate() and try to find User using parameters. Probably, that will be changed in the future.