
Time tracking you can host anywhere. Full export support in multiple formats and easily extensible.



Time tracking you can host anywhere. Full export support in multiple formats and easily extensible.


This app is currently very unstable. Everything may, and probably will, change. All migrations are going to be wiped and setup properly before release 1.0 so you will not be able to upgrade to 1.0 from early development.


For more details and screenshots check out our main docs website: https://timestrap.bythewood.me/

Superuser Credentials

All installations and the demo create a superuser to get you started, if this is a production deployment you will want to change these.

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

Docker Installation

This creates a minimal docker server setup for Timestrap. This currently is in development and may not have persistent data without fiddling. Any help to improve the docker configuration files would be appreciated.

Docker Requirements

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Docker Compose is used for running multiple containers since we require a PostgreSQL database and, not yet but soon, a Redis server for messages and events.

Docker Running

Make sure to update the environmental variables in docker-compose.yml and check the timestrap/settings/docker.py file to see if you'd like to change anything then run:

docker-compose up --detach --build

To migrate the database, create your first superuser, and create the initial site configuration you then need to run:

docker-compose exec web python3 manage.py migrate

The Timestrap application should now be running on port 80 of whatever system you ran these commands on, if you ran this locally then that would be http://localhost/.

Docker Data

All data should be stored in the timestrap_db volume. If you wish to rebuild Timestrap at the latest you can do the following from the timestrap repo you cloned:

git pull
docker-compose up --detach --build
docker-compose exec web python3 manage.py migrate

All data will be kept during this process and you'll have the latest version of Timestrap.

Development Installation

If you'd like to contribute code to Timestrap you'll need to do this!

Development Requirements

  • Python 3.7+
  • Node 14+
  • pipenv
  • yarn

You'll probably need to install pipenv with pip, run pip install pipenv to get this. Same with yarn for node, npm install --global yarn. On some systems you may have to install some additional development files. For example on Ubuntu you will need to install apt install build-essential. On Alpine you will need apk add python3-dev nodejs-dev postgresql-dev gcc musl-dev libffi-dev.

Development Setup

Once you have all of the above you can get started!

yarn install
pipenv install --dev

After all the dependencies install you can migrate the database and run the server.

pipenv run python manage.py migrate
pipenv run python manage.py fake
yarn start

Timestrap should now be running at http://localhost:8000 and the test server will automatically recognize and recompile changes to any file allowing for quick modification and review.

Once you've made your changes you can share your changes by creating a pull request!

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