
A Django template formatter.





A Django template formatter.

You can have any colour you like, as long as it's [d]jade.

Djade formats Django template syntax with a style based on the template style guide in Django's documentation. It does not format HTML or other templated languages.

Djade is fast because it is built in Rust: benchmarked taking 20ms to format 377 templates.

Read more in the introductory post, or below.

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Use pip:

python -m pip install djade

Python 3.9 to 3.13 supported.

pre-commit hook

You can also install Djade as a pre-commit hook.

First, add the following to the repos section of your .pre-commit-config.yaml file (docs):

-   repo:
    rev: ""  # Replace with the latest tag on GitHub
    -   id: djade
        args: [--target-version, "5.1"]  # Replace with Django version

The separate repository enables installation without compiling the Rust code.

The default configuration uses pre-commit's files option__ to pick up all text files in directories called templates (source). You may wish to override this if you have templates in different directories by adding files to the hook configuration in your .pre-commit-config.yaml file.

Second, format your entire project:

pre-commit run djade --all-files

Check these changes for any potential Djade bugs and commit them. Try git diff --ignore-all-space to check non-whitespace changes.

Third, consider adding the previous commit SHA to a .git-blame-ignore-revs file__. This will prevent the initial formatting commit from showing up in git blame.

Keep the hook installed to continue formatting your templates. pre-commit's autoupdate command will upgrade Djade so you can take advantage of future features.


djade is a command line tool that rewrites files in place. Pass a list of template files to format them:

$ djade --target-version 5.1 templates/engine.html
1 file reformatted

Djade can also upgrade some old template syntax. Add the --target-version option with your Django version as <major>.<minor> to enable applicable fixers:

$ djade --target-version 5.1 templates/engine.html
1 file reformatted

Djade does not have any ability to recurse through directories. Use the pre-commit integration, globbing, or another technique to apply it to many files. For example, with git ls-files | xargs_:

git ls-files -z -- '*.html' | xargs -0 djade

...or PowerShell's ForEach-Object__:

git ls-files -- '*.html' | %{djade $_}



Optional: the version of Django to target, in the format <major>.<minor>. If provided, Djade enables its fixers for versions up to and including the target version. See the list of available versions with djade --help.


Avoid writing any formatted files back. Instead, exit with a non-zero status code if any files would have been modified, and zero otherwise.


Djade aims to format Django template syntax in a consistent, clean way. It wants to be like Black: opinionated and free of configuration. Djade's style is based on the rules listed in the Django contribution style guide's template style section, plus some more.

Djade does not aim to format the host language of templates (HTML, etc.). That is a much broader scope and hard to do without semantic changes. For example, whitespace is significant in some HTML contexts, such as in <pre> tags, so even adjusting indentation can affect the meaning.

Below are the rules that Djade implements.

Rules from the Django style guide:

  • Single spaces at the start and end of variables and tags:

    ``` diff -{{train}} +{{ train }}

    -{% blow whistle %} +{% blow whistle %} ```

  • Label {% endblock %} tags that aren't on the same line as their opening {% block %} tag:

    diff {% block funnel %} ... -{% endblock %} +{% endblock funnel %}

  • Sort libraries in {% load %} tags:

    diff -{% load coal boiler %} +{% load boiler coal %}

  • Inside variables, no spaces around filters:

    diff -{{ fire | stoke }} +{{ fire|stoke }}

  • Inside tags, single spaces between tokens:

    diff -{% if locomotive == 'steam engine' %} +{% if locomotive == 'steam engine' %}

  • Unindent top-level {% block %} and {% endblock %} tags when {% extends %} is used:

    ``` diff - {% extends 'engine.html' %} +{% extends 'engine.html' %}

    • {% block boiler %} +{% block boiler %} ...
    • {% endblock boiler %} +{% endblock boiler %} ```

Extra rules:

  • No leading empty lines:

    ``` diff

    {% extends 'engine.html' %} ... ```

  • No trailing empty lines:

    diff ... {% endblock wheels %} - -

  • Single spaces at the start and end of comments:

    diff -{#choo choo#} +{# choo choo #}

  • No labels in {% endblock %} tags on the same line as their opening {% block %} tag:

    diff -{% block funnel %}...{% endblock funnel %} +{% block funnel %}...{% endblock %}

  • Merge consecutive {% load %} tags:

    diff -{% load boiler %} - -{% load coal %} +{% load boiler coal %}

  • Sort loaded items in {% load ... from .. %} tags:

-{% load steam heat from boiler %}
+{% load heat steam from boiler %}
  • Unindent {% extends %} tags:

    diff - {% extends 'engine.html' %} +{% extends 'engine.html' %}

  • Exactly one blank line between top-level {% block %} and {% endblock %} tags when {% extends %} is used:

{% extends 'engine.html' %}

{% block funnel %}
{% endblock funnel %}
{% block boiler %}
{% endblock boiler %}


Djade applies the below fixes based on the target Django version from --target-version.

Django 4.2+: length_is -> length

From the release note:

The length_is template filter is deprecated in favor of length and the == operator within an {% if %} tag.

Djade updates usage of the deprecated filter within if tags, without other conditions, appropriately:

-{% if engines|length_is:1 %}
+{% if engines|length == 1 %}

Django 4.1+: empty ID json_script fixer

From the release note:

The HTML <script> element id attribute is no longer required when wrapping the json_script template filter.

Djade removes the argument where json_script is passed an empty string, to avoid emitting id="":

-{% tracks|json_script:"" %}
+{% tracks|json_script %}

Django 3.1+: trans -> translate, blocktrans / endblocktrans -> blocktranslate / endblocktranslate

From the release note:

The renamed translate and blocktranslate template tags are introduced for internationalization in template code. The older trans and blocktrans template tags aliases continue to work, and will be retained for the foreseeable future.

Djade updates the deprecated tags appropriately:

-{% load blocktrans trans from i18n %}
+{% load blocktranslate translate from i18n %}

-{% trans "Engine colours" %}
+{% translate "Engine colours" %}

-{% blocktrans with colour=engine.colour %}
+{% blocktranslate with colour=engine.colour %}
 This engine is {{ colour }}.
-{% endblocktrans %}
+{% endblocktranslate %}

Django 3.1+: ifequal and ifnotequal -> if

From the release note:

The {% ifequal %} and {% ifnotequal %} template tags are deprecated in favor of {% if %}.

Djade updates the deprecated tags appropriately:

-{% ifequal engine.colour 'blue' %}
+{% if engine.colour == 'blue' %}
-{% endifequal %}
+{% endif %}

-{% ifnotequal engine.colour 'blue' %}
+{% if engine.colour != 'blue' %}
 Not Thomas.
-{% endifnotequal %}
+{% endif %}

Django 2.1+: admin_static and staticfiles -> static

From the release note:

{% load staticfiles %} and {% load admin_static %} are deprecated in favor of {% load static %}, which works the same.

Djade updates {% load %} tags appropriately:

-{% load staticfiles %}
+{% load static %}

-{% load admin_static %}
+{% load static %}

Django 1.3+: legacy variable assignment syntax

The minimum target Django version is 2.1, so this fixer is always active.

Django 1.3 added support for = to assign variables in {% with %} and {% blocktranslate %} tags. Prior to this, they only supported the legacy syntax using the as keyword, which Django still supports.

Djade rewrites the older as syntax to the newer = one:

-{% with engines.count as total %}
+{% with total=engines.count %}
 {% endwith %}

-{% blocktranslate with engine.colour as colour %}
+{% blocktranslate with colour=engine.colour %}
 {% endblocktranslate %}
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