Django Yubin allows you to create, send and manage emails in your Django projects. It follows the 12-factors app methodology.
Yubin means postal service in Japanese. Thanks \@morenosan for the name.
How it works
For creating and composing emails, Yubin provides class-based views that use standard Django templates.
For sending and queuing emails, Yubin replaces the standard Django Email Backend with its own. Instead of sending emails synchronously trough a SMTP server, Yubin saves emails in your database (and optionally in a file storage) and sends them asynchronously using the Celery distributed task queue.
- Create and compose emails reusing your code easily with class-based views.
- Your app can respond requests faster because other process/worker is managing the connection with the SMTP server for sending emails.
- Scale out easily adding more Celery workers.
- Emails are saved in the database, you can see, manage and enqueue them from the Django Admin.
- Optionally you can save only minimum data in the database and full emails in a different storage.
- Yubin provides settings to avoid sending emails during development.
You can read the full documentation at