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Engineers with the most new followers in the past 14 days
Name Number of new followers
theskumar theskumar 446
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kennethreitz kennethreitz 34
samuelcolvin samuelcolvin 34
cclauss cclauss 32
Kludex Kludex 32
dsanders11 dsanders11 32
sobolevn sobolevn 31
alex alex 28
mitsuhiko mitsuhiko 24
seratch seratch 24
huguestennier huguestennier 19
zanieb zanieb 19
sampaccoud sampaccoud 18
avelino avelino 17
AntoLC AntoLC 13
Germey Germey 13
pirate pirate 12
carltongibson carltongibson 11
hartwork hartwork 11
chibie chibie 10
wsvincent wsvincent 10
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